Nervous System Check In

Hey babe, does your nervous system feel out of whack?? 


Anxiety can be high during the holiday season, especially this year with traditions moving online and perhaps unable to travel to see family and friends.


How can we chill ourselves out, despite all things out of our control? Here are my super simple steps to grounding ourselves and feeling more present in our body, rather than in our racing thoughts.



Easy, right? Not so much. I can bet you go through your day barely paying attention to your breath. Let's change that. Next time you feel overwhelmed take a huge breath in through your nose, fill up your belly all the way, and slow steady exhale out of your mouth. 



Taking a pause can be your saving grace. This goes for impulsively hitting ‘send’ in a text, grabbing the cookies when you aren't hungry, or reaching for alcohol to numb out. If you can pause, rather than react and ask yourself ‘why am I wanting to behave this way?’ you can address the root of the problem and choose a healthier reaction or behavior.



You're reading my blog, so there’s no surprise that I'm going to tell you to move your body! But in this case, I'm more talking about moving the stagnant energy through your body. As anxiety takes over, stand up, shake your limbs, roll your head in all directions, jump around. Get out all the stuff that's stuck!



Huh? No, seriously. Take your self-care seriously. Buy a spa package of 5 massages and book them for the next few months or weeks. Same goes with blow outs, manis/pedis, etc. Treat yourself well, girlfriend! If we invest in our self-care aka relaxing our nervous system, our body will thank us, always. And you'll have something just for you to look forward to on the calendar. 


I’m completely heartbroken and it is ok


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