Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone - Where the Magic Happens

“Everything you want stands beyond your fears.” Pushing outside of your comfort zone is where you can truly grow into the person you want to be. Here are my favorite ways to get comfortable with the uncomfortable. 

The comfort zone is where everything feels smooth and sure. It’s also where your goals are far from reach. When I’m coaching my clients or teaching fitness classes, I always tell them to move beyond their comfort zone and get comfortable with the uncomfortable. In the “uncomfort” zone, change can happen and your goals become realities!

To go beyond what feels comfortable start with these ideas:

  • Switch up your routine. Your body loves monotony which also means it loves to get complacent. When you switch up your workout, your body and mind are engaged in what’s coming next - meaning more results! This is even more apparent when you switch up your routine completely. Get up earlier, start meditating, workout at a different time. This will keep you excited about what’s to come and engaged in the process. 

  • Say yes to something you would normally say no to. Start opening yourself up to new things and see what comes from them! Instead of shutting the door on new experiences, get uncomfortable and watch as your horizons expand and new opportunities come your way. 

  • Move towards your fears rather than run from them. This one is a given. Anything you really want is on the other side of fear. Start to sit with your fears and see where they come from. From here, you can start to think about what the other side of those fears looks like. Maybe it’s a new job or a new routine - all of it stands beyond your fears.

  • Give up control and ask for help. This was a big one for me. Many people are conditioned to feel that asking for help, whether that’s from a therapist, a trainer or whoever, is weakness. It is truly the opposite. Avoiding asking for help is another way of keeping yourself safe and stagnant. Ask for the help you need and watch as your life changes. 

  • Be direct and tell people exactly what you want. This is outside of many people’s comfort zones. When you get clear on what you want and how you want to be treated, the next step is saying it out loud. If you’re afraid of not “being nice”, know that you can be kind and still be clear on what works for you. Start working on this idea and see how much better your relationships feel when you ask for what you deserve. With practice this does get easier. 

  • Try something new. Anytime things start to feel stagnant in your life, I always tell people to try something new. Go on a trip somewhere off the beaten path, take up an art class or start a new hobby. The expert at anything was once a beginner. Who knows what can come through when you try something new!

If these resonate with you and you want to get out of your comfort zone, then realize there is no time like the present. The sooner you start, the more things can change in your life. In fitness and in life, all that you desire stands on the opposite side of fear and resistance. What are you waiting for? 



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