Delicious, Healthy Alternatives to Use in Your Favorite Recipes

You won’t be able to tell the difference when you use these super tasty and healthy ingredients! 

Amazing Ingredient Alternatives to Keep Your Favorite Recipes Nutrient-Packed

It’s so easy to switch out ingredients in your favorite recipes to make them healthier for your body and mind. The best part? I promise you can barely tell the difference! Here are a few of my favorite substitutes for common ingredients that recipes call for. Also, using these are great ways to get more essential vitamins and nutrients into your diet without knowing the difference! 


Full disclosure: I’m not opposed to butter but, if I use it, I use Kerrygold’s grass-fed butter. 


Replace saturated fat with monounsaturated fat and promote heart health and body function with this nutrient-dense fruit! Plus, the texture can make recipes that much more satisfying. 

Nut or Seed Butter 

Almond, cashew, sunflower, hemp seed, flax - you name it, there’s probably a butter out there. This is an awesome way to get more vitamins and nutrients into your diet, keeping you fueled throughout your day. 

If you are going to eat peanut butter make sure its CLEAN. No added ingredients. 

Pumpkin puree

Pumpkin makes everything taste better- at least in my opinion! Try it your in savory or fall-themed recipes. Pumpkin pancakes or muffins anyone? Check out my Pumpkin Muffins here (we can add an instagram link…)

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil contains vital healthy fats your brain needs to function at its optimal capacity. This still gives you the consistency that butter does for your recipes and adds a sweeter taste to your food!


Portobello Mushrooms  

Replace hamburger buns with a nutritional powerhouse: portobello mushrooms! These guys won’t leave you crashing post-lunch. They’re also loaded with antioxidants, riboflavin, selenium, copper and potassium.

Sweet Potato

Try a sweet potato toast for a sweet twist on a breakfast staple! Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of beta-carotene, vitamin A, vitamin C, manganese, copper, vitamin B6, potassium, dietary fiber, niacin, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, happiness... Jk, but are you actually still reading this? Get your sweet potatoes! I love sweet potatoes. Especially made crispy or baked like a baked potato. Add any egg scramble inside or shredded chicken with BBQ sauce. 

Sturdy Greens  

Instead of a tortilla, try wrapping your dish in a sturdy leaf like kale, romaine lettuce or a pile of fresh spinach. Dark leafy greens are chock-full of vitamins. Adding greens like these is a great way to easily integrate vitamin B6, C and E into your diet while providing an excellent source of beta-carotene, folate, calcium and antioxidants. One cup of raw kale contains 3 grams of protein, 2.5 grams of fiber to keep you full and serves as a great source of vitamins A, C and K! Kale also has omega-3 fatty acids and loads of nutrients and minerals. Still need convincing?


I love cheese, but I eat it in moderation. Most times when I’m craving cheese I’m just craving fats, so either avocado or a nut butter will do the trick. Most items that call for cheese, such as burgers, I add avocado. Tacos I add a dollop of greek yogurt. Otherwise I skip the cheese at restaurants because they pile it on. At home I can control it. 


I use grass-fed protein powder, because who has access to a chicken breast all the time? I add it to my baked goods, my smoothies, my coffee or make a protein shake daily. Sneaking in protein here and there really adds up. 


Raw honey 

Raw honey contains 22 amino acids, 27 minerals and 5,000 enzymes. Manuka honey can also be used to aid in digestion, acid reflux, sore throats, immunity, skin health and help improve sleep! 

Pure Maple Syrup

Pure maple syrup has high levels of beneficial nutrients, antioxidants and phytochemicals. A naturally occurring substance, pure maple syrup can sweeten any dish! 

Raw Stevia or Monk Fruit

Both of these are naturally occurring sugar-substitutes that taste delicious without the calories or spike in blood sugar. 


You can pit dates and blend or sprinkle on top of your favorite dishes! The fruit will naturally sweeten anything you need. 

Cacao Nibs

Dark, cacao-concentrated chocolate is a great source of magnesium. Cacao nibs are a great, super-easy addition to your yogurt, granola or acai bowl!


I’m not saying eggs are bad. I eat eggs, just not every day. So substituting can allow you to enjoy some of your other favorite foods. 


Flaxseeds are a great source of micronutrients, fiber, and omega-3! Just mix 2 tablespoons of flax seeds with two tablespoons of water, let stand for a few minutes and boom! You have two flax eggs (TBH, I have never used this but have heard great things)  that can replace 2 eggs while supplying essential fatty acids for your brain. 

Half and Half

Nut pods are a great way to get the thick consistency that eggs give your recipes. If you’re looking for a meat-free way to go, half and half is always a great option. Just make sure it’s organic pure half and half with no added sugars or try delicious nut pods. 


Applesauce is an awesome substitute for your sweet or savory recipes. It’s also a great source of vitamin C and fiber! 

Making healthier choices takes time, patience and can be fun to experiment in the kitchen. Go slow and ease your way into healthier ingredients. Your body, mind and tastebuds will thank you!


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