6 Ways to Make the Most of Your Mental Health Day

October 10, 2019 is #WorldMentalHealth Day, and this year’s focus is on suicide prevention.

We weren’t born to constantly be in doing-mode. Unfortunately, most of life can seem like a constant jump from one thing to the next. That’s why taking days solely dedicated to your mental health, making space to just live and enjoy your life, are so important. I know how difficult it can be to take a step back. I used to push myself so hard that I forgot what it was like to truly relax and take time for myself. Don’t let it get to that point, you’re worth so much more than a life of only doing. Everyone should make their mental health a priority every day, but when you need a break, here are a few ways to make the most of your day for non-doing!

1. Plan ahead of time.

Ideally, you can plan out your mental health day ahead of time so you can get a few things off your plate. That way, you’ll have less on your mind stressing you out and pulling your attention towards what you “should” be doing. When you make space for the things you want to be doing, you can fully relax and enjoy your day for yourself. But, if you get to the point where you wake up and feel like you can’t handle the rest of your day because of how stressful it is, it’s time to take the day off. 

2. Decide what you need.

Do you need relaxation? Do you need fun? Do you need time to reconnect? Maybe all three? Before or on the morning of your mental health day, think about what would serve you best. Have you been feeling overly-rigid within your schedule and can’t remember the last time you had fun? Is your jaw constantly clenched and you feel short of breath? Start thinking of what you need that would make a difference in your mental state. Maybe it’s getting a massage and doing a meditation, then grabbing dinner with old friends who make you laugh. To make the most of your day, think of what would fill up your cup as much as possible. 

3. Get a good night’s rest. 

The high correlation between lack of sleep and mental health issues is no secret. Take time to catch up on one of the things we need most - sleep! It’s amazing what a good night’s sleep can do for your mental health. So sleep in! Spend time in bed reading and napping. Give your body a break and put your phone, laptop and any other stress-inducing device outside your room. Even better, do a yoga Nidra meditation which is worth 4-6 hours of regular sleep!

4. Do some of the things that have been weighing on you.

If you didn’t have time to get to everything on your list ahead of your day off, knock out some of the tougher items that have been weighing you down. If something has been hanging over your head and stressing you out, now is the perfect time to get it out of the way. Anything that makes you feel like there is less weighing on you- do it!

5. Journal.

Start writing about what you’re feeling. Get it out on paper and let it go. Don’t judge anything you write, just let it flow out of you. Once you’ve had some time for yourself, quiet your mind and work through any of the more difficult emotions you’ve been facing. What we resist persists. This is an amazing time to move through anything holding you back and take time to be kind to yourself. Remember - no judging what comes out. The point is to release what’s been holding you down so you can make room for the good coming your way. 

6. Move a little.

This doesn't have to be vigorous exercise (if it is, great!) but go outside and walk around. Stretch with relaxing music on, feel your body and say thank you to yourself for taking care of it. Do some yoga, dance and move fluidly. So often, when we’re in our heads all the time we forget what it’s like to be present within our bodies. During your mental health day, move however your body wants to and watch your mood lift!

You should prioritize your mental health every day, but when you find yourself getting agitated at every turn, it’s time for a break. Next time you need a mental health day, be gentle with yourself and know that you are worth taking care of. Life is about so much more than your to-do list! 


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